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Make your
flowers last forever!

The Atelier Broel team

What's better than a lovely bouquet of flowers?

Whether it's at home, work, or out for a meal, flowers have this amazing way of making everything feel brighter.


But the bummer is, they start to droop after just a week...

Not great for the environment, and definitely not for your wallet.


So, we searched for something that lasts longer, is more environmentally friendly and doesn't break the bank…


That's when we found artificial flower bouquets.

These days, they look so real you'd hardly know the difference.


Welcome to Atelier Broel, an online shop that offers seasonal high-quality artificial flower bouquets in different sizes.


We are a mother and daughter team based in Kortrijk, Belgium, with a passion for floral decor.

Flowers will last

forever so are more budget friendly

Almost impossible to see difference with real flowers

Different collections depending on season

No need for watering flowers

No bad smells or insects as flowers won't die

Find below our Broel bouquets

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Or let us make a personal bouquet for you...

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Pick your own flowers

Welcome to Atelier Broel!

We are passionate about artificial flowers and their endless possibilities.

Our online shop is filled with beautiful pre-made bouquets ready for display in any setting.


If you're looking for something more personalized, you can also choose to arrange your own flowers bouquets in collaboration with us.


Let Atelier Broel help you bring a touch of nature into your home or office space.

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